Visual Storyteller
Marco Faasen
Tapping into the fabric of society
Opbouwdagen 2023
'Platform Wederopbouw Rotterdam' is a foundation dedicated to promoting architecture designed and built in Rotterdam between 1940 and 1965.
For their annual event 'Wederopbouwdagen' I teamed up with Ennio Viscioni and made an exhibition about the Zuidplein flat (1949).

We decided to focus on the social fabric of the flat, by following caretaker Hans during his daily round. We documented his detailed and often toughing stories about the inhabitants of the flat, and his personal relationship with the building and its history.

The exhibition tells caretaker Hans' stories in a reportage style, combined with historical and contemporary photographs of the Zuidplein flat.

I was responsible for the art direction, photography and writing.